
Acne is a widespread disease that presents as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and even cysts. It usually affects the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and sometimes the upper arms. Acne predominantly affects adolescents. Acne is not usually related to any underlying disease and is not life threatening except in rare cases. However, it can cause scarring which can be disfiguring. Who gets acne? About 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least an occasional whitehead, blackhead or pimple. Many of these young people are able to manage their acne with over-the-counter (nonprescription) treatments. For some, however, acne is more serious. In fact, by their mid-teens, more than 40% of adolescents have acne severe enough to require some treatment by a physician. In most cases, acne starts between the ages of ten and thirteen and usually lasts for five to ten years. It commonly resolves spontaneously in the early twenties. However, acne can persist into the late twenties or thirties or beyond. Some people get acne for the first time as adults. Acne affects young men and young women about equally, but there are differences. Young men are more likely than young women to have more severe, longer lasting forms of acne. Despite this fact, young men are less likely than young women to visit a dermatologist for their acne. In contrast, young women are more likely to have intermittent acne due to hormonal changes associated with their menstrual cycle and acne caused by cosmetics. These kinds of acne may afflict young women well into adulthood. Treatment for acne There are many options for treating acne, depending on the type of skin and on the severity of acne. Treatment options consist but are not limited to:

1. Topical creams or gels consisting of Tretinoin, Benzoyl Peroxide or Erythromycin or a combination of these.
2. Oral anti-biotic such as Doxycylcine, or Minocycline
3. Oral Isotretinoin (Roaccutane , Curacne )
4. Lasers (fractional lasers)
5. Radiofrequency ( Scarlet )
6. Chemical peels